Welcome to this publication on how and why to Invest In Health
Photo Rick Pushinsky, No Isolation
This collection of insights and helpful hints is brought to you by the Norwegian Health Investor Network - a platform for health focused companies to showcase themselves professionally to investors, and for investors to find, assess, and develop relationships with those companies before (and after) investing.
It is made possible by the support of our wonderful sponsors, Carnegie Investment Bank Norway, Thommessen Law Firm and the Oslo Region Alliance, who have been amazingly generous with both their time, money and network to make this a reality.
We have secured contributions from different sources across the health investing ecosystem, both within Norway and further abroad to make this as valuable and unique as possible for you.
This highly specialized group brings together the knowledge of policy makers, investors, grant providers, political landscape experts, company builders and leaders within health, so you can learn how and why you should invest in Norwegian health related companies. Collectively, they bring years of assessing, mentoring, and investing in Norwegian health focused companies, as well as vast operational experience, all of which they now share with you.
We want to send a wholehearted thank you to each and every contributor for giving up their time so willingly to support this endeavour.
If you are curious about investing in health or would like to know more about the landscape, challenges, risks, rewards, and tools expert health investors use, then keep reading…
Contribution by
Jeremy McCrohan, Norwegian Health Investor Network